Life is a Journey - best taken with someone who has walked the road before.

Why do I need a Coach?

  • Life is a Journey - best taken with someone who has walked the road before.

  • A coach does not know the answers. A coach knows the questions that will help you discover the answers within you.

  • If you are not moving forward you are not evolving, a coach motivates you to reach for your next goal.

  • If you feel like you are “boxed-in”, a coach can help you discover your great potential so that you can “BREAK FREE”!

  • If you do not know how to get from where you are now to where you want to be, a coach can help.

  • Moving forward inevitably means conflict; conflict is the fuel that propels you forward, if handled properly. A coach can help you navigate the bumpy road of conflict.

  • It is the journey not the destination. Each milestone leads to the next achievement.

  • The journey is fraught with “saboteurs” who want to lead you off the path. A “Sage” coach can help you identify these troublemakers and act on your powers within.

About Coach Lennie

I love to help people live out their heart-plan.

Family has been pivotal in my life’s journey, married for over forty years to a brilliant and courageous partner, with two wonderful and happy children and four beautiful and energetic grandchildren. I am an adventurer who loves nature and playing outdoors. My friends would say I am witty and fun to be around.

After graduating with a B.S. in Agri-Business I climbed the corporate ladder in the arena of finance before being called into full-time ministry. I received my MDiv from Saint Paul School of Theology and served twenty years as a pastor in six United Methodist congregations of all sizes, each with different gifts and challenges. There were many successes along the way, yet they came with a fair share of bumps and bruises.

I came to a point when I felt like the institution was limiting the potential for out-of-the-box vision. Mired down in its own dogma and rules the institution is not going to survive in the rapid paced, free-thinking culture. I decided my gifts would be best utilized encouraging individuals, teams, and local churches and businesses find the potential within themselves to break free.

It is because of my journey that was fraught with isolation at times and mostly trial and error, that I am dedicating this step of my life to walking along side those with similar paths, to encourage and help bolster them. Life is a Journey; best taken with someone who has walked the road before.

What we do

Rev. Lennie Maxwell:

As a Transformational Life Coach, I help you identify your potential for success to maximize your significance in your relationships, business or vocation.

I will help you navigate Life changes. Whether it is vocation, or relocation or family related, I can help you plan to maximize your choices.

With twenty years of pastoral counseling I can walk beside you as you heal from loss. I am also an experienced Pre-Marriage counselor and can help you and your future partner get started with excellence.

With a background in business I can help you navigate and understand your finances, from creating a budget to making a major decision like retirement or large investment, I will help you discover what is best for you.

With a history of Church transformation, I will help pastors, leaders, teams or congregations reach new Milestones. As a Transformational Church Coach, I will work with you and walk beside you as you discover your potential to be all God is calling you to be in today's uncertain culture.


As a Transformational Corporate Coach, I will help you reach new business Milestones. Here are a few tools we can use to optimize your business success.

· Unboxing your employees

· Healthy Teams

· Avoiding collisions, collusions, and compromises

· Using healthy conflict, “Leading out of Drama”

· Get Wild, corporate retreats

Contact us